Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Harsh Truth

Fact:  We are going to die.  Unfortunately, that is the most evident fact in everyday life.  People die every day.  It’s depressing to hear, no one likes to hear it; I certainly don’t.  We don’t know when we are going to die or how.  I’m not trying to lead on to a sermon here.  If anything, I’m curious to hear what other people’s thoughts are out there in the world.  The thing is, when I have come across other people’s thoughts on websites, whether believers or atheists, it becomes pretty hostile.  I think it is unnecessary to be cruel to a person because they are an atheist or because they believe in God or because they are unsure what they believe.  Blogging has become kind of like a hobby to just get things of my chest publicly that I am ok to share and not expecting or hoping for responses.  However, with this blog entry, I do hope for responses.  No gimmicks or ads here, just a human being here that wants to hear what you think.  With that said, if you are an atheist, I’d love to hear your thoughts on why you are an atheist.  If you believe in God, I’d love to hear your thoughts on why you believe in God.  If you’re in the middle and not sure, I’d still love to hear your thoughts.

Please feel free to share this page.  I am honestly looking to hear your thoughts.
Please note:  Comments must be respectful towards others, no hostility or putting down others.  This is not the place.  Thank you!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

If God is a Myth, then Living must be in Vain

To science I ask, please explain to me the human heart.  When I first became pregnant, I saw my son through the ultra sound monitor and he was just a blinking dot which was his heart beat.  It was amazing and the most beautiful moment of my life, ever.  It was bliss that I felt I could touch heaven and the skies.  The miracle of life is an awesome, wonderful miracle that blew me off my feet.  It’s a love that pierces you deep inside to your soul and mind.

Having experienced birth, evolution is unfounded.  How did life come about?  What purpose is there?  I don’t accept that we’re just doomed to die with no afterlife, hence my belief that if God is a myth, then living must be in vain.
Living life without any sort of accountability is not logical to me.  I understand to live life as you want and “not care what anybody thinks.”  So what, right?  The truth is gratification is temporary.  There are always consequences and accountability to each and every one of our actions, whether positive or negative.  We aren’t given a second chance in life.  It’s a blessed freedom to choose God and I honestly respect those who differ.  I want to understand why everyone differs and will continue the quest.  I feel a release in my heart and freedom in the truth to choose that there is a God.  It is said that the Bible is manmade.  However, there is no argument that the human heart is most certainly not man made.
“You do not understand how the wind blows,
or how the embryo grows in a woman’s womb:
no more can you understand the work of God, the Creator of all.” (Eccles 11:5)